Non-stopping with mus mus 6 月推介
Whitney Houston - I will always love you 中文歌詞
If I should stay / I would only be in your way / So I'll go but I know
我知道 如果我留下來 我只是
I'll think of you every step of the way / And I... will always love you, ooh
我這天離開是為了你 所以我永遠愛著你
Will always love you/ You/ My darling, you.../ Mmm-mm
我的最愛 永遠愛著你 想著你
Bittersweet memories / That is all I'm taking with me./ So good-bye.
我會帶走這 殘餘甜蜜回憶
Please don't cry / We both know I'm not what you, you need
哭到淚也 只知道我不再屬於你
歌曲開首 Whitney Houston 淡然的演唱,演譯剛得知真相,無力面對所說出這句句話語
(歌曲是電影The Bodyguard終極保鑣,主角是一位著名歌手,與保鑣由相愛到生死的愛情故事,經過重重難關,才明白原來對方是一直愛戀著自己。。)
And I... will always love you/ I... will always love you/ You, ooh
從你離開開始 我會永遠愛著你
I hope life treats you kind /And I hope you have all you've dreamed of
在你離開後 希望你擁有你一直
And I wish you joy and happiness/ but above all this I wish you love
And I... will always love you/ I will always love you
You./Darling, I love you.
從此我會一直愛你 直到永遠
I'll always.../ I'll always love you. Ooh
1. 有人說分手後有6個失戀階段,否認是第一階段,仍是想著對方一言一語否認這現在現在的一切。。。
Haley Reinhart - Undone (未完成的愛)
Undone, undone, undone / Undone, undone, undone
I'm sorry, I let me fall for you / I can erase you and forget you but I can't undo you
對不起,請讓我繼續沉溺著你 / 我可以忘記你,擦掉你的記憶去,但我不可以當無發生過
You're the hand I can't hold, the words I'm not told when I'm lonely
And I don't want you back, I just want to have what you took from me
Haley Reinhart - Undone lyrics 中文歌詞
2. 第二階段是自責,著名心理學家弗洛伊德認為,男人失戀的時候在外人面前會扮作若無其事,依然會繼續過著笑哈哈的日子,但眾他只是假裝無事,當他一個人回到家,會在床邊抱頭痛哭,把心底裡所有所有的傷心的情緒在孤獨中發洩。。。
Bruno Mars - When I Was Your Man 如果我仍是你的男人
My pride my ego my needs and my selfish ways
都是因為我的 驕傲 自負 無理 自私
Cause the good strong woman like you to walk out my life
令你這個好女孩 不再回來 離開了我
Now I never never get to clean up the mess I made
現在我無力面對 我犯下的每一個過錯
Ooh And it haunts me every time I close my eyes
甚至閉起雙眼 仍記起那時那景
It all just sounds like (oooooh) / Mmm too young too dumb to realise
更令我... / 我實在太遲鈍 太愚蠢 才知道
That i
相信Bruno mars 這一首完完全全是寫著男人們失戀的心情吧!每一天睡醒了,才發現她已經不存在不再自己身邊
Bruno Mars - When I Was Your Man lyrics 中文歌詞
3. 也許你心裡早已經有了答案,是的他/她不會再回來的,再這天開始你踏入了第三階段,心碎
Sia - Chandelier 水晶吊燈
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, drink / Throw 'em back 'til I lose count
數下 這三秒 / 杯接杯 一飲而上 / 飲 至失去分寸
I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier
在這水晶吊燈𥚃 盪漾不停
I'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist / Like it doesn't exist
I'm gonna fly like a bird through the night, feel my tears as they dry
像鳥兒們飛翔 風乾我面上淚流